Inside Job (the movie) is like Frontline on Steroids

Whatever your current level of understanding of the current financial crisis, make plans to go see the movie Inside Job while it is still in the theaters, and you will be mesmerized, horrified and educated about the crisis’ root causes.

The research,  music, camerawork, editing, Matt Damon’s narration, and Charles Ferguson’s interviewing talents all make this a superb addition to the growing body of works explaining the current financial crisis.

Here are a couple of particularly compelling quotes from the film:

George Soros saying:  “[Former CitiBank CEO] Chuck Prince famously said we have to dance until the music stops.  Actually the music had stopped already when he said that.”

Director and interview Charles Ferguson asks “Why do you think there isn’t a more systematic investigation being undertaken?” and gets this answer from NYU professor Nouriel Roubini:   “Because then you would find the culprits!”